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 Online Learning Strategies of Male and Female Students

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Date posted: 27/11/2012

Researcher Rasaya Marimuthu and his team from Universiti Teknologi MARA conducted a study to determine the online learning strategies of male and female students in an English Language course.

Utilizing computers as a tool in education appears to be gaining momentum. There appears to be varying levels of interest in this method of online learning. This study attempted to investigate the relationship and differences (if any) of five variables, motivation, self monitoring, internet literacy, internet anxiety and concentration of students when engaging in online studying.

The study showed that there were no significant differences in the online learning experiences between male and female students. However, there existed correlations among some of the variables and also according to their gender. This study revealed that the respondents both male and female exhibited high levels of motivation, degree of self –monitoring, level of internet literacy and level of concentration when engaged in online learning.

As for the correlation effects of the five variables, the motivation in online learning had a significantly high positive correlation with self-monitoring in online learning. When comparison of the five variables according to gender was made, the results revealed that male and female students did not show any significant differences for the variables of motivation, self-monitoring, a higher level of internet literacy and also better levels of concentration when engaged in online learning.

The study appears to indicate that both male and female students in this study engaged in the same levels of motivation, self monitoring, internet literacy, internet anxiety and concentration in online studying. This study indicates that both male and female students are equally receptive to online learning.

This research was presented at the: 6th International Conference on University Teaching and Learning- Malaysia.

See the full Story via external site: www.researchsea.com

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