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Active Remote Sensing Remote sensing refers to any sensor system or detection method which operates at a distance removed from the object being sensed, as opposed to the sensor being attached to or integrated into the object. Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.
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Results by page [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] It had to happen sooner or later; a remote control with an inbuilt television screen for the truly lazy. At CES 2010, Samsung delivered on what is basically one such device. Designed to work with Samsung's 9000-series flatscreen TVs, the remote is essentially a mini pad computer, with a design not too dissimilar from an iPhone. Here we have a remote control, used to control what was originally a human, now just a glorified appliance. If the idea of a remote being used to control a human seems preposterous, remember GVS. The diagrammatic representation for easy understanding, of how dendrites and axons in the nervous system might be attached to a a remote body via the Internet. World Review: Active Worlds
Active Worlds is a crossbreed. Nominally used as a 3D chatspace, its also a hive of creative building, the codebase for several RPGs, and the source of inspiration for many new VR ventures.
AW itself is made up of a collection of worlds, sharing the same graphical base, yet it manages to maintain cohesion as a 'worldlet' of sorts itself.  
Rating 49.5
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Resource Type not Available A report on working out which 3D shooting videogames most engaged the player, and why this was so, using brain monitoring EEG and bio-sensing technology to measure engagement and emotional and cognitive responses. It is certainly an odd idea, but a rather effective one: Power a medical implant, with the beats of whatever song you happen to be listening to at the time. That in a nutshell is what Purdue university researchers have done with their latest prototype sensing device.
News containing the Term Active Remote Sensing:
Results by page (20/07/2009)
Comfortable smart clothes that monitor the wearer?s heart, breathing and body temperature promise to revolutionise healthcare by reducing hospital visits and allowing patients to lead more active lives. Unlike many remote hea...
Comfortable smart clothes that monitor the wearer?s heart, breathing and body temperature promise to revolutionise healthcare by reducing hospital visits and allowing patients to lead more active lives. Unlike many remote hea...
After people have hurled the Wii-mote across the room brandishing it like lemmings, Nintendo have brought out the Wii remote jacket. The Wii Remote Jacket, a durable, silicone cover for the Wii Remote, provides a variety of b...
One small step for mankind is now a leap for averting natural and man-made disasters on earth. New Tel Aviv University technology combines sophisticated sensors in orbit with sensors on the ground and in the air to create a "Hyperspectral ...
David Bruemmer and Douglas Few, two U.S. Department of Energy scientists in Idaho say they have adapted technology from Nintendo's Wii remote to control Packbot, a robot with bomb disposal capability. The scientists said ope...