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Anagraph Stereoscopy

Anagraphs are a means of stereoscopic image production ? fooling the brain into believing you are in the presented environment, because each eye sees a different angle on the same image, as it does when you are there physically. Anaglyphs use colour differentiation to take a single video stream and split it into two channels before it reaches the eye.

One eye is filtered to block out all red, the other eye to block out all green or blue. Two images are then shown, almost overlapping. One is framed in red, the other in blue. These images are usually of the sides, or extra otherwise hidden detail, of the main image ? which is sent through in colour same as normal. The filters on each eye ensure that only the eye intended to receive given extra detail gets it, and thus builds up a true 3D picture.

See Also: Anagraph Glasses, Anagraph Stereoscopy

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Related Dictionary Entries for Anagraph Stereoscopy:


Anagraph Glasses

Anagraph Stereoscopy



Resources in our database matching the Term Anagraph Stereoscopy:

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Stereoscopic Display Methods
Visual stereoscopy comes in many flavours. Depending on how the video feed is constructed, and whether or not it was originally designed with stereoscopy in mind, the technology used to deliver a slightly different positional viewpoint to the eye, differs greatly.

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Stereoscopic Broadcasting Begins
With the hubbub surrounding cinema 3.0, and 3D stereoscopy in the cinemas, it seemed only a matter of time before stereoscopy as the next great buzzword of the passive entertainment industry (broadcast networks) started to filter into broadcasting.

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3D Visual Processing Centre Identified
Detecting 3D is a trait of stereoscopy. Its why humans tend to have two eyes, two different viewpoints create a degree of parallax, and allow us to perceive in 3D. However, motion parallax and movement in all three dimensions is harder to discern than simple 3D structure.

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True 3D Endoscopy
Whilst endoscopes and laproscopic surgery are truly a revolutionary way of peering inside the body and performing complex operations from tiny incisions, the size of the endoscope has always traditionally limited them to single cameras and flat displays. But, with a little lateral thinking, even a single camera can produce stereoscopy.


Industry News containing the Term Anagraph Stereoscopy:

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Barco has created a monitor with a resolution of 3280 x 2048. Its designed for both DICOM and PACs data, and can split into stereoscopy on demand ? two monitor displays, independent, and each with a resolution of 1640x 2048 each, t on the ...

The American Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio has teamed with Viking Systems, Inc. to create and field-test a head mounted display system for surgical use.

Digital Cinema Firm Launches Single-Lens Stereoscopy for Films

3D films are becoming all the rage with cinematographers at the moment. The only problem is, the twin lens cameras used, basically double up on everything, including operating costs for film or digital storage space.

Of cours...

Toshiba Mobile Display has developed an OCB (Optically Compensated Bend) liquid crystal display panel for 3D glasses suitable for watching 3D television, enjoying 3D movies, or playing 3D games.

In recent years, increasing de...

Researchers at the UPNA-Public University of Navarre develop a technique to improve the capture in real time of three-dimensional images. The work, published in a leading scientific journal on Computation and Artificial Intelligence, has ap...