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Clue Conflict

Yet another name for Simulation Sickness, clue conflict is when the inner ear is telling the user one thing, the display another. The conflict between balance and percieved movement causes sickness.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Clue Conflict:

Clue Conflict

Simulation Sickness

Simulator Sickness


Resources in our database matching the Term Clue Conflict:

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Locally Hosted resource
Mapping Intelligence to the Brain
Intelligence. We understand the concept, and the meaning of this word, but where in the brain, precisely, is intelligence actually located? Until recently, we did not really, have a clue. Now, using perhaps the most common sense approach possible, from neuroscientists at the California Institute of Technology have mapped the cognitive zones of the human brain.

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Experiments in Low Pressure
Playing a character can sometimes conflict with play styles, and so this article on roleplaying round your play style comes in - don't take on anything you cannot play, and do make plans in-world if you pln to be away for a while.

Dressed up as real stories from the fighting fronts of recent wars, and varying between a novelistic format, and a textbook one, this book is definitely an easy read, despite the sheer amount of information it presents.

Locally Hosted resource
Roleplaying (II) - on maturity
Not a role-play article par-se, this article is included here because it looks at the conflict between some extremes of role-play, and the RL morality issues when kids are involved. Note: the solutions raised are not proposals, merely comments.

Locally Hosted resource
Prosthetic Arms: State of the Art, 4th Q 2007
Prosthetic arm development?s rapid pace is one of the very few good things to have come out of the conflict between western societies and the Middle East. In one year, they have lept from simple claws, to arms capable of picking up a skittle and passing to the wearer?s mouth.

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Virtual Iraq: Using simulation to treat a new generation of traumatized veterans
An emotionally powerful article by the New Yorker, on the use of virtual reality immersion to to treat young war veterans returning from conflict with acute post traumatic stress disorder.

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Imaginary Realities: Beyond Player Killing
This old article, from the long-defunct e-zine Imaginary Realities, looks at various automated 'solutions' for player versus player conflict in gameworlds and virtual life worlds.


Industry News containing the Term Clue Conflict:

Results by page

June 5th – June 8th, 2012
Tallinn, Estonia

International Conference on Cyber Conflict is NATO CCD COE’s annual conference. For the fourth year in a row the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence invites ex...

Researchers at the Santa Fe Institute have developed new machine learning methods to study conflict. Their work appears in PLOS Computational Biology on May 13.

Quantitative studies of behavior traditionally rely on game theo...

Cyber war has moved from fiction to fact, says a report compiled by security firm McAfee, it bases its conclusion on analysis of recent net-based attacks. Analysis of the motives of the actors behind many attacks carried out via the interne...

Over 100 years ago psychologist Carl Gustav Jung penned his theory of 'complexes' where he explained how unconscious psychological issues can be triggered by people, events, or Jung believed, through word association tests.


A colour-changing crystal attached to a soldier's uniform could help doctors decide if they need treatment for a brain injury.

Professor Shu Yang, from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, developed the device fro...