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PNAMBIC is the acronym form of Pay No Attention to the Man BehInd the Curtain. It comes from the original Wizard of Oz film, in which the wizard?s mighty and imposing visage was created through the use of smoke and mirrors ? with a little man behind the curtain actually manipulating everything.

Thus the phrase has come to be synonymous with any activity in which deception and illusion work hand in hand to create the impression of a valid reality. Typically it is used to describe VR environments, usually by VR professionals, looking at the smoke and mirror effect created. It also often is applied to the field of AI where the same smoke and mirrors effect is used to generate the illusion of a conscious, sapient mind, to various degrees of success.

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Related Dictionary Entries for PNAMBIC:

Pay No Attention to the Man Behind the Curtain



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