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Polygon shading

Polygon shading, also known as face shading or flat shading is the cheapest method of shading, whereby a single solid block of colour is applied to each polygon in a otherwise wireframe model.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Polygon shading:

Face shading

Flat Shading

Polygon shading


Resources in our database matching the Term Polygon shading:

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World Review: Planet Virtu
World Review: Planet Virtu welcome screen
A small community hamlet, nestled away from the more frequently trodden paths, this builder's worldlet clings to the dream of low-polygon freedom.
Rating 46.5
Special Client Required


Industry News containing the Term Polygon shading:

Results by page

VR headset developer Valve is "comfortable" with the idea that the technology could turn out to be a complete failure.

Gabe Newell, head of the game studio, made the statement in an interview with news site Polygon.

(Press Release) At the end of December 2006, VizUp Technology unveiled a new polygon reduction system that enables anyone to reduce the number of polygons in a complex 3D model up to 90% without much effect on its visual quality.

(Press Release) LightWork Design, supplier of rendering solutions for developers of advanced 3D computer graphics software, has announced the release of LightWorks 8.1 which provides LightWorks customers with yet more enhanced rendering fun...

The 3D reconstruction of a face from a single 2D image could be made faster and more accurate with new software being developed by scientists at York University.

Dr. William Smith, a lecturer in computer vision at York, aims ...

(Press Release) LOS ANGELES, California, August 9, 2004 ? Right Hemisphere, a leading provider of visual communication solutions software, advanced the state-of-the-art in computer graphics today by unveiling two new technologies for polygo...