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Virtual Dictionary

Zerg Guild

A Zerg guild is a group of players in a VR gameworld such as a MMP, who believe in strength in numbers to the extent that they try to recruit as many members as possible to overpower all enemies with the sheer number of troops they can put into battle.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Zerg Guild:

Zerg Guild



Resources in our database matching the Term Zerg Guild:

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Linked resource
The Only Two Guilds on Your Mud
A wry article on setting up a thieves? guild and assassin?s guild ? essentially griefer guilds, within a roleplaying, gaming , or alternate life VR world.

Complete Website: The Gryphon's Guild
Forums, mailing list, and all the information you could possibly need, for all things Gryphon.

Linked resource
Starting a Clan
A step by step do it right guide to creating a clan or guild in any virtual environment, be it gaming or non.


Industry News containing the Term Zerg Guild:

Results by page

The award will be given for the first time at the 2008 Writer's Guild Awards in Los Angeles. "Writers are finally being recognized and valued in the videogame industry," Writer's Guild New Media Caucus member Jay Lender was quoted as sa...

Amazon is yielding to concerns of authors by letting them selectively silence a read-aloud feature in Kindle 2 electronic book readers that hit the market in February.

The US Authors Guild had warned that the new Kindle featu...

A group representing the blind and other people with disabilities protested limitations to the new read-aloud feature on Amazon.com Inc.'s latest Kindle electronic reader Tuesday, arguing that the restrictions unfairly limit their access t...

Computer science researchers from North Carolina State University have developed a technique to determine which strategies give players an edge at winning in multi-player (action) real-time strategy (ARTS) games, such as Defense of the Anci...

US photographers and illustrators sued Google for copyright infringement on Wednesday demanding compensation for images that appear in books being digitally scanned by the Internet giant.

"This case is about fairness and com...