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Resource Database > Beginning in a Language
Beginning a new language can be difficult, or it can be easy. It all depends on whether or not you've been through the process before. If you have, then it's just a case of getting used to the new commands, or maybe a minor paradigm switch. However, if you haven't, then prepare yourself for a slog, albeit a highly rewarding one.


C (3)

Linked resource
Organizing Code Files in C and C++
A guide to organising code files and libraries for the new or novice programmer. This resource is ideal for those just starting out in coding, with a view to creating games or virtual worlds later on.

Like its sister series, the 24-hour books, the 21-day books are divided up into logical lessons, the only difference being that the ones in the 21 days book are a lot longer, and a lot deeper than the ones in the 24 hours book.

C is one of the languages of choice for virtual world development. Clean, efficient, and quick, it does require a slight shift in paradigm from the BASIC collection.

C++ (1)

Linked resource
Organizing Code Files in C and C++
A guide to organising code files and libraries for the new or novice programmer. This resource is ideal for those just starting out in coding, with a view to creating games or virtual worlds later on.

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Algorithms (1)

Assuming you have a grasp on mathematics, particularly the laws of probability, and are ready to begin tackling algorithms for practically any task, this book is for you. It can be considered as the definitive text on algorithms and the mathematical rigor needed to approach them.